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How to create a Menu for Blogger

Don't worry webtguru will Make u easy to create a MENU in just few click . I will be showing a few steps to create a menu to you  guy's.
The website or blog without a menu looks horrible and unorganised .Clearly a website without a proper navigation or proper filter for the post is not much welcomed by users or readers.
So if you all reader want to get hits on their website the gear up to add menu to your blog .

I will be showing a very simple steps to make a very categorised menu .So that you all can arrange your all post in porper menu so that if user want to filter you post or want to search a specific content on your Blog the he or she can proceed with the help of menu .

Here are the steps to setup a menu for your blogger .

Include Menu Tabs With the Pages Gadget 

Step 1

Sign in to your Blogger acount open your blog

Step 2

Now like your blog is on animal and you want to categorised your blog or divide your pages or post in pet animal , meat Eating animal , non pet animal etc . Then you have to create your post in a normal way as you do . After creating your post when it shows a list of post there you have to check your crated post and click on label above .

Step 3

Now create your label on the pop up arrived say PET animal .Now click on view on your post when it opens in new window scroll to end of your post and where you will see" label PET animal " right click on that and select "copy link address ".

Step 4 

Now go to Layout option in Blogger and there bellow header there will be page widget if not go to add widget and select pages widget .

Step 5

Click on "edit" option on page widget and pop up opens .

Step 6

There select add link There write "Pet Animal" in first box and paste the link that you have copied in link box and save it .

Step 7 

Reload your blog you will find a menu named "PET animal" in  your blog when you click on it you will be able to see the PET animal post have written .

Step 1 

Sign into Blogger. Click the "Outline" menu join underneath the name of the online journal to which you need to include menu tabs. This opens the Blogger Design segment's Add and Arrange Page Elements page.

Step 2 

Click "Include a Gadget" in the sidebar area of the page, in the event that you need to add menu tabs to the online journal's sidebar, or at the highest point of the page on the off chance that you need to include menu tabs beneath the header segment.

Related Reading: How to Put Hyperlink Tabs on Blogger

Step 3 

Go to the "Pages" device in the dialog window. Click the "+" symbol close to the Pages contraption title to open the device arrangement window.

Step 4 

Click and select the check box beside every page that you need to incorporate as a menu tab. Click the crate by "Include New Pages of course" in the event that you need Blogger to include all new pages as menu tabs in the Pages device. Click the "Spare" catch in the dialog box. Click "Save" at the highest point of the Add and Arrange Page Elements page. This showcases menu tabs connected to your web journal's static pages on your site's landing page.

Include Menu Tabs With the Link List Gadget 

Step 1 

Sign into Blogger and go to the Add and Arrange Page Elements page in the Design area of the website you need to alter.

Step 2 

Click "Include a Gadget" in the top or sidebar area of the page. Go to the "Connection List" device. Click the "+" symbol to open the Link List device arrangement window.

Step 3 

Enter the main site's name and URL address, or a blog entry's title and URL address into the important information boxes. Click the "Include Link" catch. Rehash this progression for every site or blog deliver that you need to incorporate as a menu tab.

Step 4 

Click the bolt catch in the "Sorting" segment. Select either "Sort Alphabetically" or "Sort Reverse Alphabetically" starting from the pull menu to design the request in which the device shows your connection menu tabs. Sort the quantity of connections that you need to show as menu tabs into the "Quantity of Links to Show" box. Click the "Spare" catch. Click "Save" on the Add and Arrange Page Elements page. This presentations menu tabs connected to URLs on your site's landing page.  


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