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How to Remove Viruses from Pc/Laptop without using any antivirus.

Their is Easy way to delete viruses from laptop or Desktop without using Anti virus .Yes...There are many ways to do so.You don't have to spend money on buying antiviruses you can remove viruses from any computer by using just CMD .Here in this post i will be discussing several ways of removing viruses from Laptop .

Method 1:

1).  Press windows key + R and Type CMD and hit Enter.

2). Now, Go to the drive where you want to delete virus By typing D: 
    Example "E:"

3).  Type “attrib -r -s -h *.* /s /d” without quotations  and press enter .

4)press dir /a .

5).  Delete all the .inf, .exe , .dll, .log extension file if they are not your files.
 Example: Del autorun.inf

Note :

f any file is not deleting rename that file by rename command
Example:  rename dst.exe ms.bak this will rename dst.exe to ms.bak


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