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5 Important Facts about facebook that every one should know.

Today, I was using facebook and and I realised that I was just using it and but actually was not knowing any thing about it. For that I started digging into it and I found some important fact that very few people know and talk. These facts were small but important in terms of user experience. 1. How does Facebook generate its revenue? Most of the revenue is generated from the advertisement.But comparatively very less than google. Because of low CTR (Click through rate).Means that if 80000 users are clicking on adds among 1million searches on google.  400 people click on ads on Facebook among 1million. One more source of income is from selling of user’s data to third parties. You will be amazed by seeing the revenue growth of the Facebook from starting Year Revenue Growth 2004 $0.4 — 2005 $9 2150% 2006 $48 433% 2007 $153 219% 2008 $280 83% 2009 $775 177% 2010 $2,000 158% 2011 $3...
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